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Jacob Møllemose

Fundraising Insights, Innovation and Change

We help you make the most of analytic insights to develop successful fundraising strategies so that you can build better relationships with your donors and raise more money.

Telemarketing Tuesdays

Introducing Telemarketing Tuesdays

We’re excited to share a new concept with you designed to address a common challenge that telemarketing fundraisers face.

Telemarketing Tuesdays by MM Fundraising is a new community built to reimagine the way we network, share ideas and learn from each other’s experiences.

Our focus is on collective growth and impact.

By joining forces, we can improve our skills, drive innovation and make a greater difference in our fundraising work.

Look forward to five virtual events in 2024. Each offers valuable insights and knowledge-sharing opportunities.

Join us on 23 January 2024 for our first Telemarketing Tuesday!

Save 50% on your first purchase from Telemarketing Tuesdays by pre-registering today. No strings attached, we just want to show our appreciation for your interest.

Join our Call For Speakers

We invite you to join us as a speaker at our upcoming Telemarketing Tuesday events!

Share your expertise, insights, and success stories with our community of like-minded professionals. Together, let's drive innovation and inspire others in the field.

And yes, we pay our speakers, to give equal opportunity for everyone to take part.

Pre-register today to show your interest

Save the date

23rd of January – Celebrating Telemarketing

More dates to follow